a note from freddie, on radio silence & what’s to come

Dear friends & followers of this project,

I fell off the map without explanation since publishing the previous interview in August 2018 and for that I’m sorry! There’s not a ton of explanation to share other than the dust from my Saturn return settling and life staying busy.

I’ve had one more interview slated for publication for months, with several lovely folks from the TransGenerational Theatre Project in New York. I am sorry it’s been so long but their work and their words are as relevant as ever in 2019. This interview will be published next Thursday, March 6th.

As for what comes next, I have to be realistic with myself that my current paid and unpaid work have shifted my energy and capacity away from this project. I am not making plans for future World We Want interviews for the time being. That said, for me, facilitating this project continues to be a gift — I frequently think of interviewees’ wisdom and perspective in my day-to-day life and ongoing spiritual and emotional processes. And while I received positive feedback about each and every interview, I believe there are many more people who would benefit from reading the interviews who haven’t yet done so. Personally, I’m much more likely to enjoy reading something I can hold in my hands versus having to scroll on a screen. So, I intend to memorialize this project in zine form! 

I was initially interested in trying to get this project some outside funding for a slightly fancier publication, but I recently published my first ever zine and appreciate the autonomy and room for creativity that the process lends itself to. (If you’re interested in checking out my zine, it’s called grief: holding on & letting go, and you can order a copy here.)

I intend to get started with the editing and formatting process soon, with the goal of getting something printed and ready for distribution by the end of May. (Which sounds far away as the rains pour down on me here in occupied Coastal Miwok territory, but I suspect will be upon us sooner than I realize…) I suspect I will print in black and white to keep costs down. If you or anyone you know has a printing hook up you’re willing to share, please shoot me an email at cheersfreddie at gmail.

Thanks again for the support in this project, for your patience with my lack of consistency, and for being a part of building the world you want to live in.

xo freddie

freddie hazy smoky beach with mask.jpg
image: me at the ocean on the sonoma coast with my N-95 mask around the back of my head, in november 2018 during the most recent disastrous northern california wildfires. photo by my friend carbo.